Sunday, January 2, 2011

Not a Cookie Cutter

I love to cook and bake. Its how I de-stress. Its so relaxing to come home after a long hard day and experiment with food. My friends and family reap the benefits because I’m really a very good cook, if I do say so myself. So one night a couple weeks ago, I found myself making gingerbread cookies. As I rolled out the dough, I started thinking about cookie cutters. Every time you use one, the cookies come out perfect. They fit in well with the other cookies around them because they fit the mold. They look alike. As I meditated on the symmetry of cookies and their shapers, the subject of my life bubbled to the surface of my mind. I started moping because my life doesn’t fit the cookie cutter of what a fresh out of college career person’s life should look like. It made me regret some things, until my best friend, Pamela told me something. She said, “you will never live a cookie cutter life so stop trying. God has made you different and called you to be different so that you can do more for Him. That’s why you feel like a misfit.” Her wisdom is staggering. Imagine how many heroes of our faith would not exist if they had fit into the cookie cutter. Cookie cutters aren’t all bad. God has created this universe with pattern and order and if everyone didn’t “fit the mold” it would be chaotic. Don’t forget, God is creative and slightly eccentric. He enjoys uniqueness as much as pattern. In some ways, I am distinctive… living an American life when I would feel best in an African hut. So why am I here? I’m here to help other “misfits” realize that they were made to not fit into the cookie cutter. How will you not fit in?

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