Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Written Across the Skies

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.
            This profoundly beautiful verse paints an extravagant picture of love. Stop and consider what these words actually say. They say that God’s love for His people is deeper than the deepest ocean and wider than the widest sky. They say there is no way, even if we dedicated our entire lives to it, that we could express the fullness of God’s love to others.
            On this day, Valentines Day, many people feel their lack of love because they do not have a spouse, boyfriend, family or other loved one with which to share it. Some people, myself included, have taken to writing L-O-V-E on their arms to remind them to pray for people who struggle with depression because of the emphasis of the day. Join us and pray that people who struggle with depression will experience the freedom and power of God’s love. Share the love of God to someone in need of it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


(Warning: Read at your own risk… The following thoughts/observations/opinions/ convictions/questions spring from a desire to better understand what scriptures says on certain issues and how to discuss the truths of scripture with lost people.)
             So I was talking to a friend the other day and she was having an interesting discussion with a co-worker on gay rights, the Bible & US law on the same subject. The thought occurred to me that I, and others like me, do not know how to witness to or converse with a person who is entrenched in a worldview opposite to scripture. Many “gay Christians” believe that God loves them and accepts them the way they are. This is true but only in part. Paul goes into great detail in Romans about the fallacy of this belief. God loves us but not our sin. He accepts us as we are at the point of salvation but to remain in sin thereafter is to deny the power of Christ’s death on the cross. So how to do you express this to someone who is convinced they are right and you are wrong? This is a perplexing question and I don’t know that I have the answer. Scripture is a strongest and truest weapon but what if they don’t believe scripture? Do we give those people up for lost and choose to not even try to reach them? Or do we persist? These are the questions that trouble my mind. Persistance is the best way but is there a way to persist without being redundant? Any thoughts, comments, rebuttals?