Tuesday, January 11, 2011


            One of the sweetest pictures of Christians in nature is a firefly. I love fireflies. In the summer, one of my favorite things to do is to drive out to the countryside around my hometown at dusk. As the sunsets and the night awakens into a cacophony of sound, the fireflies rise out of the fields and meadows. They are numerous but completely invisible until they light their little “fires.” The evenings is the speckled with tiny flickers of light, on then off, on then off. They are so beautiful and as I child, I tried to capture them and keep them in a jar in my room overnight. But alas, they never survived until morning.
            Christians are these tiny beams of light in a dark world. We seem to multiply during the dark times of life. We rise from places that seem to have no such life and then shine our little lights. If you try to put us in a jar to keep us overnight, it doesn’t take. You have to be one of us to enjoy our light and can’t just keep us to look at and enjoy. So how is your light doing? Are you in the darkness and feel alone? Look around at the fireflies around you that you have not noticed or had forgotten were there. Take courage that we are all fireflies in a dark world. Don’t let your light burn out… even if you get put into a jar.
*picture from found on Google Images from another blog.

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