Have you ever been fooled by a masterful forgery? For instance, have you seen a beautiful bouquet of flowers and bent down to smell them only to discover they were wax? Or seen a friendly smile only to discover the person behind it was spreading rumors about you? When you fall prey to these cleaver imitations, how do you feel? Do you laugh that you were fooled? Do you feel sickened? Do you yield to cynicism? Do you turn away, disappointed and sad?
There is a point to this questioning. I have found a truth that we, as Christians, often overlook. Everything that is good in this world is created by God, correct? So where does that leave the evil? I have a theory. You see, I believe that Satan, more than anything, wants to be like God (Isaiah 14:13-14). He wants to so much, that he will work to “create” as God has created. All that God made was good, including Satan who was an angel at one time. Satan is now a twisted, mangled version of what was once good. Does it not stand to reason that all that he “creates” will be merely perverted copies of God’s perfect creation? This concept is highly important when witnessing because many people believe a half-truth or part of a truth concerning God. They believe Him to be all loving and would never hurt a fly. They believe Him to be mean and calculating, waiting to strike down the most innocent of persons at the slightest provocation. Neither are completely true but both are based in a measure of truth. God is loving, mercifully overlooking our imperfections. He is holy, however, requiring that we shed our sin like so much dead skin and not live in it. As you witness, think. Find the lie or the half truth that the person is believing and expose it with the light of the truth. Otherwise their salvation will be a masterful forgery because it is based on fallacy.
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