Mother has been added to the number… the number of those claimed by the plague. The snakes are everywhere. They are even in the tents. They’re not just any snakes either. They are asps. One bite from them and a healthy, grown man can die in just a few hours. Just when we think all is lost, word begins to spread. Moses, he raised up a symbol. If you look at it after a snake bites you, you will be healed. It’s a silver snake twined around a wooden pole. Rumor has it that many have been healed, but I am skeptical. How could what is supposed to kill me, give me life? Then my day comes. Dispite my precautions, I’m bitten by a snake. my family and close friends tell me to look at the symbol, but in a moment of unbelief, I refuse. The poison courses through my veins and stills my heart.
I was talking with a friend of mine. We discussed various patients’ need for God. Doctors have such an open door to witness but sadly many of them are lost and there for cannot see spiritually. I made the point that even if all the doctors in the world were saved, not all patients would have an ear to listen. That’s when my friend reminded me of the story in Exodus or Numbers where the Israelites are cursed with a plague of poisonous snakes. Moses tells them that their “salvation” rests in a glance. All they have to do is look at a symbol of a snake on a pole to be healed. Sadly, there is inference in scripture that some of the people refused to look. I have to constantly remind myself that, some people will refuse even so great a gift as a personal relationship with Almighty God. They will refuse because it doesn’t make sense, because it’s too easy or simply out of defiance. As you witness, remember this sad truth.
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