Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Unexpected Mission Field

“Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.’” Luke 5:31
When do you think people are most receptive to the Gospel? When they are healthy and prosperous or when something in their life isn’t going so well, when they are sick or hurting or in trouble? The answer is obvious but I have been reminded of this recently. I have had the blessing of getting a job at a brand new medical practice. The physician is an Infection Disease doctor so the patients who come into the office are VERY sick. As a result, God has opened my spiritual eyes and made me think of how we look to Him in our sin. We must be quite wretched and bedraggled creatures, consumed with it. On top of this, The past several days, I have been reading in Romans. Chapter six and seven talk a lot about the bondage of sin… but THEN comes chapter eight. I just love that chapter. It talks all about how much God loves us. Nothing can separate us from His love.
The catch is, how do you witness to all those poor people when you are in the business/professional world? This is a question that has begun to plague me. I do what I can, telling people “God bless you” and trying to share my joy with them whenever possible. Any other thoughts? How should I let my testimony shine? So you see my predicament. An entirely new mission field has opened up before me and I am not sure what to do with it. But I am excited by the prospect nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. "Neither height nor depth nor principalities nor powers can separate us from the Father's love..."

    The new mission field... ah that's an unknown awesome but scary feeling!! I really believe the unknowns are what gives flavor to our lives. People will always be interested to read about topics of these unknowns, like "God" or "love," because no one can really define them. There are probably SO MANY incredible adventures of faith waiting for you in this new job arena. Please keep writing about it! I'm reading. If we expect great things of God, He will show us exactly that.
